Is it a Mystery? Or a Message?


Thousands of birds falling down.  .  .  Thousands of fish coming out dead in Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Sweden and some other places!  This tragedy is presented to us as ‘a mysterious thing.  .  .  ‘

But it  is no mystery; it is clear that we are being gradually  poisoned.  Among other things being done to accomplish this,  it is known that the Chem trails going on twenty-four seven everywhere in the world, especially in this country,  have in them Arsenic and Barium in high quantities among other deadly things.  These birds and fish are just the first victims to show the effects of what we are allowing to happen to LIFE in our Planet and ARE A SIGN FOR US TO HEED.

Remember that in our days  not only according to High Spirituality – but also according to advanced Modern Physics,  WE ARE ONE WEB OF LIFE – THAT IS THE MYSTERY that we are not being told anything about.  Yet, that is the Mystery that WE HAVE TO REALIZE AND BECOME  in order to not only be spiritually/scientific correct today, but to survive the moment and what is coming.   The signs are indeed here and telling us we must realize our ONENESS with The All, we  must realize that each one of us IS those dead birds and those dead fish.

So, don’t look at this event as if ‘everything is OK because ‘it is happening to birds and fish and in Arkansas, what does it have to do with me’ because apparently ‘you are not that birdor that fish’ and are NOT aware of what’s happening in your body YET. Because You Are that bird and you are that fish dead because of.  .  . 

Wake up from your Newtonian nightmare and do something today to stop your own holocaust!  Start Being Love towards everything and everyone today in your thoughts, and feelings and put the action needed to stop harm from happening to anyone or anything in this world.

Do everything you can to stop harming  LIFE TODAY.  Peace be with you.